Little Pizza Smorgasbord for Ya
Kind of a hectic week so I'm heating up leftovers for you to dine on.
Hi Folks! It’s been a bit of a hectic week so I didn’t have time to scrounge up the regular pizza happenings. I did hear whispers of a problematic opportunist coming to town to try out a few pizzas, but not sure I have anything to add to that conversation at the moment. Instead, enjoy this write up of Badamo’s I put together. Additionally, you can always read my review of Rockaway, or interview with Sean of Slice of New York Pizza if you’re hankering for more pizza news.
Badamo’s Pizza on the North Side: A Delicious Combination of Passion and Perfection
This was originally posted on Pizza Walk With Me on March 12, 2018.
Let me tell you when I first ran into the Badamo’s crew because it contextualizes their aura.
I was at the Michigan and Trumbull pop-up at the Vandal, an event that was packed with people pushing to the front for Detroit style pizza. I was helping to take orders for the evening, bustling around, weaving between people when someone from the kitchen shouted they were out of takeout boxes. A critical component was missing, we needed to fold pizza boxes stat. So, the Badamo crew, who are waiting patiently to try this pizza ( who have probably spent all day prepping dough, getting restaurant in order, and all the other things that come with making pizza) and these dudes just start folding boxes. Like box folding addicts, they can’t stop. No shrugging, no fussing, they were eager to lend a hand and help out.
And their pizza is a personification if that sentiment. Friends building some great. A family of pizza makers, a pizza that you want to share.
I visited their newly opened location on the North Side. It's a small joint, but full of charm. The waiting area was filled with soon-to-be-regulars waiting for their Friday night order of pizza and hoagies. In their display case were an assortment of specialty slices. Perfect if you want to mix-and-match some slices to accompany your evening hoagie.
I stuck with a fresh pie which came out piping out from the oven and appeared to be expertly cooked. I mean, look at that crust!

Like a fool I grabbed a pizza and a hoagie to eat by my lonesome. The life of a pizza journalist.
One bite in and I was already dying to tell my pals about the pizza.I was enjoying. The sauce was tangy, not too sweet, and the cheese masterfully held everything together. Half the pizza contained sausage and green peppers. Both these toppings were fresh and fairly distributed without stealing the pie spotlight.
The pieces folded easily, but I noticed the bottom was a bit too pale. It could've spent a minute or two on the hot side of the oven. I reached out to Badamo's and they confirmed that this happens sometimes saying:
A lot of times with the deck ovens if you're blasting the ovens with pies all night the stone cool down and you get more top heat than bottom stone heat. Therefore, it didn't get it's color. Normally if I notice that, I'll slide it to a spot that hasn't had a pie on it to get the bottom dark as well.
With a new oven on a busy night, there's a learning curve to baking pizzas. I'm really impressed with the insightful comment they sent back too. The folks at Badamo's really get pizza. They're in the pursuit of perfection but know that there are bumps along the road. Sometimes that's a pizza that's not perfectly cooked. And that's a-okay.
I look forward to going back to see how they've grown.
Badamo's pizza is reminiscent of the local small-town pizza shop, but with a level of perfection. It's an elevated version of the pizzas I grew up eating (Luciano's and Monte Cello's to name a few). It's comforting in its shape, but has a depth of flavor that those suburban flagships are missing.
I bet these guys grew up eating similar pizzas and thought, "Hey, we can do this." Add in a unique level of passion and a pursuit of perfection and you have one of the tastiest pizzas this side of the Allegheny.
A few weeks ago Rick Sebak visited Badamo’s pizza, so if you prefer video content check that out below!
Pizza ya later!
-Dan Tallarico, Pizza Journalist